Jesse Woo

Full Stack Software Engineer


Jesse Woo


Experienced full stack developer, specializing in front end development, design, and prototyping and green fielding ideas. Learned problem solving from my engineering education, been in different industries, different size companies and teams wearing multiple hats with testing, ux design, marketing and software.

Currently working at UCSD as full stack developer.

Technical areas: full stack development, UX / UI, project planning, internet marketing


Love spending time with family, my church community, and doing volunteer work mentoring local high schoolers. Enjoy cooking, watching Babish and other food related shows, editing documentaries and recap videos, and following different sport teams plus watching basketball breakdown.

Sports teams:

  • Dodgers, Lakers, Rams (grew up in LA)
  • Cal Bears, Warriors (went to college in the Bay Area, lived there 10 years)
  • Padres (been living in SD now for 10+ years)

Creative areas: graphic design, video, photography


  • Jesus follower (watch 'The Chosen', you'll love it!).
  • Husband
  • Father
  • Mentor
  • Software Engineer
  • Cancer survivor (2x)
  • Videographer
Jesse Woo Personal

Jesse Woo Friends

Technical Skills

Number of Years

Software Development

Javascript includes ES6, jQuery, AJAX and usage of REST API
PHP includes Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, which extends off of HTML and CSS
Framework includes Javascript frameworks like NodeJS, React, Redux, and Ember
Python includes Py3, pip, pandas, fastApi
OOP (object oriented programming) includes Java with struts, Ruby
Database includes MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB
Testing - includes Watir, unit and end to end testing


Design Framework includes Material UI, Bootstrap, and Ant
Graphics includes Photoshop, Canva
Presentations includes Powerpoint, Google Slides, Canva, Screencast
Video Editing includes DaVinci Resolve, Premiere, Final Cut Pro

Recommendations from LinkedIn

Jesse impressed me from the first day he joined the frontend team. I worked with him at American Specialty Health, and although we never together on the same Scrum team, we did collaborate as fellow frontend engineers to advance some frontend initiatives across several teams. Jesse picks up new concepts very quickly and took to a framework that he had no prior knowledge of like a fish to water. What stood out most to me about Jesse was how conscientious he was of every aspect of a project, always bringing insightful questions to the table in kickoff meetings. Instead of merely focusing on the "what", he drove to understand the "why" in projects as well. This is a mark that Jesse has left on me, and a practice that I have carried forward into my career. Jesse is extremely humble and very easy to work with. I would recommend him for any position and believe that he would be a huge asset to any team he works with.

Michael Serna: frontend team member at American Specialty Health

I have worked together with Jesse at the RCSB Protein Data Bank for several years. During that time Jesse completely re-design the user experience of our website and did the technical implementation of it. He has a clear vision, provides excellent proposals for a design and then can execute and implement the design. The final pages looked exactly as planned. Under his guidance we greatly simplified the user experience and gained a much more contemporary and responsive look and feel that works across multiple devices and screen sizes. Jesse is a great team player and you can count on him on getting the job done!

Andreas Prlic: senior developer, directly worked with at RCSB PDB

I worked with and managed Jesse during his time at Ampush. Jesse was a hard worker who was an integral part of the media buying team and primarily responsible for building out much of our search and contextual campaign portfolio. He was a true team player who wore many different hats during his time at Ampush, always being flexible with what he worked on to try to help out where he was needed most.

Koby Simantob: manager at Ampush

I had the opportunity to work closely with Jesse and always appreciated his willingness to jump in on any task. He was able to understand a complex code base and help improve and refactor the existing code and add new, valuable features. In the time I worked with him I found him to be a very hard worker, a good person to bounce ideas off of, and eager to learn new technologies. He is kind, professional, and an all around great person.

Jason Leong: senior engineer at MoveMedical

I had the pleasure of being Jesse's manager and team lead at Movemedical and he was wonderful to work with! He always has a great attitude and a fierce work ethic. He is easy going, flexible and very open to learning new techs and styles.

Dustin Robinson: manager at MoveMedical

During my time at RCSB-PDB, I was an intern that Jesse was my mentor. I could tell Jesse was a hard worker, despite taking on the additional workload to support and direct two interns, he was still presenting his work complete and finished. I am thankful for his expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript & JQuery as he answered many of my questions and provided constructive feedback to my prototypes. Jesse's guidance was shown greatly as after the internship I successfully landed my first job using all that I learned. I enjoyed working with Jesse, he cares for his work but also cares about the people there. I would definitely recommend Jesse!

Justin Lai: intern at RCSB UCSD